import { NavigationProp, RouteProp, useFocusEffect, useNavigation, useRoute, } from "@react-navigation/native"; import { useCallback, useMemo, useRef, useState } from "react"; import { FlatList, NativeModules, TextInput, View } from "react-native"; import { Button, IconButton, ProgressBar } from "react-native-paper"; import AppInput from "./AppInput"; import { getBestSet } from "./best.service"; import { PADDING } from "./constants"; import CountMany from "./count-many"; import { AppDataSource } from "./data-source"; import { getNow, setRepo, settingsRepo } from "./db"; import { fixNumeric } from "./fix-numeric"; import GymSet from "./gym-set"; import { PlanPageParams } from "./plan-page-params"; import Settings from "./settings"; import StackHeader from "./StackHeader"; import StartPlanItem from "./StartPlanItem"; import { toast } from "./toast"; export default function StartPlan() { const { params } = useRoute>(); const [reps, setReps] = useState(params.first?.reps.toString() || "0"); const [weight, setWeight] = useState(params.first?.weight.toString() || "0"); const [unit, setUnit] = useState(params.first?.unit || "kg"); const [selected, setSelected] = useState(0); const [settings, setSettings] = useState(); const [counts, setCounts] = useState(); const weightRef = useRef(null); const repsRef = useRef(null); const unitRef = useRef(null); const workouts = useMemo(() => params.plan.workouts.split(","), [params]); const navigation = useNavigation>(); const [selection, setSelection] = useState({ start: 0, end: 0, }); const refresh = useCallback(async () => { const questions = workouts .map((workout, index) => `('${workout}',${index})`) .join(","); const newCounts = await AppDataSource.manager .createQueryBuilder() .select("") .addSelect("COUNT(", "total") .addSelect("sets.sets") .from((qb) => { const subQuery = qb .subQuery() .select("0", "name") .addSelect("0", "sequence") .from("workouts", "workouts") .getQuery(); return `(${subQuery} UNION ALL values ${questions})`; }, "workouts") .leftJoin( "sets", "sets", " = AND sets.created LIKE STRFTIME('%Y-%m-%d%%', 'now', 'localtime') AND NOT sets.hidden" ) .groupBy("") .orderBy("workouts.sequence") .limit(-1) .offset(1) .getRawMany(); console.log(`${}.focus:`, { newCounts }); setCounts(newCounts); }, [workouts]); const select = useCallback( async (index: number, newCounts?: CountMany[]) => { setSelected(index); if (!counts && !newCounts) return; const workout = counts ? counts[index] : newCounts[index]; console.log(`${}.next:`, { workout }); const last = await setRepo.findOne({ where: { name: }, order: { created: "desc" }, }); console.log({ last }); if (!last) return; delete; console.log(`${}.select:`, { last }); setReps(last.reps.toString()); setWeight(last.weight.toString()); setUnit(last.unit); }, [counts] ); useFocusEffect( useCallback(() => { settingsRepo.findOne({ where: {} }).then(setSettings); refresh(); }, [refresh]) ); const handleSubmit = async () => { const now = await getNow(); const workout = counts[selected]; const best = await getBestSet(; delete; const newSet: GymSet = {, weight: +weight, reps: +reps, unit, created: now, hidden: false, }; await; await refresh(); if ( settings.notify && (+weight > best.weight || (+reps > best.reps && +weight === best.weight)) ) { toast("Great work King! That's a new record."); } if (!settings.alarm) return; const milliseconds = Number(best.minutes) * 60 * 1000 + Number(best.seconds) * 1000; NativeModules.AlarmModule.timer(milliseconds); }; return ( <> navigation.navigate("EditPlan", { plan: params.plan })} icon="edit" /> { const fixed = fixNumeric(newReps); setReps(fixed); if (fixed.length !== newReps.length) toast("Reps must be a number"); }} onSubmitEditing={() => weightRef.current?.focus()} selection={selection} onSelectionChange={(e) => setSelection(e.nativeEvent.selection)} innerRef={repsRef} /> { const fixed = fixNumeric(newWeight); setWeight(fixed); if (fixed.length !== newWeight.length) toast("Weight must be a number"); }} onSubmitEditing={handleSubmit} innerRef={weightRef} blurOnSubmit /> {settings?.showUnit && ( )} {counts && ( ( )} /> )} ); }