import { NavigationProp, useFocusEffect, useNavigation, } from '@react-navigation/native' import {format} from 'date-fns' import {useCallback, useMemo, useState} from 'react' import {DeviceEventEmitter, NativeModules, Platform, View} from 'react-native' import DocumentPicker from 'react-native-document-picker' import {Dirs, FileSystem} from 'react-native-file-access' import {Button, Subheading} from 'react-native-paper' import ConfirmDialog from './ConfirmDialog' import {ITEM_PADDING, MARGIN} from './constants' import {AppDataSource} from './data-source' import {setRepo, settingsRepo} from './db' import {DrawerParamList} from './drawer-param-list' import DrawerHeader from './DrawerHeader' import Input from './input' import {darkOptions, lightOptions, themeOptions} from './options' import Page from './Page' import Select from './Select' import Switch from './Switch' import {toast} from './toast' import {useTheme} from './use-theme' const defaultFormats = ['P', 'Pp', 'ccc p', 'p'] export default function SettingsPage() { const [ignoring, setIgnoring] = useState(false) const [term, setTerm] = useState('') const [vibrate, setVibrate] = useState(false) const [alarm, setAlarm] = useState(false) const [sound, setSound] = useState('') const [notify, setNotify] = useState(false) const [images, setImages] = useState(false) const [showUnit, setShowUnit] = useState(false) const [steps, setSteps] = useState(false) const [date, setDate] = useState('P') const {theme, setTheme, lightColor, setLightColor, darkColor, setDarkColor} = useTheme() const [showDate, setShowDate] = useState(false) const [noSound, setNoSound] = useState(false) const [formatOptions, setFormatOptions] = useState(defaultFormats) const [importing, setImporting] = useState(false) const {reset} = useNavigation>() const today = new Date() useFocusEffect( useCallback(() => { settingsRepo.findOne({where: {}}).then(settings => { setAlarm(settings.alarm) setVibrate(settings.vibrate) setSound(settings.sound) setNotify(settings.notify) setImages(settings.images) setShowUnit(settings.showUnit) setSteps(settings.steps) setDate( setShowDate(settings.showDate) setNoSound(settings.noSound) if (Platform.OS !== 'android') return NativeModules.SettingsModule.ignoringBattery((isIgnoring: boolean) => { if (!isIgnoring && settings.alarm) setAlarm(false) setIgnoring(isIgnoring) }) }) NativeModules.SettingsModule.is24().then((is24: boolean) => { console.log(`${}.focus:`, {is24}) if (is24) setFormatOptions(['P', 'P, k:m', 'ccc k:m', 'k:m']) else setFormatOptions(defaultFormats) }) }, []), ) const soundString = useMemo(() => { if (!sound) return null const split = sound.split('/') return split.pop() }, [sound]) const changeAlarmEnabled = useCallback( (enabled: boolean) => { if (enabled) DeviceEventEmitter.emit('toast', { value: 'Timers will now run after each set', timeout: 4000, }) else toast('Stopped timers running after each set.') if (enabled && !ignoring) NativeModules.SettingsModule.ignoreBattery() setAlarm(enabled) settingsRepo.update({}, {alarm: enabled}) }, [ignoring], ) const changeVibrate = useCallback((enabled: boolean) => { if (enabled) toast('When a timer completes, vibrate your phone.') else toast('Stop vibrating at the end of timers.') setVibrate(enabled) settingsRepo.update({}, {vibrate: enabled}) }, []) const changeSound = useCallback(async () => { const {fileCopyUri} = await DocumentPicker.pickSingle({ type: 'audio/*', copyTo: 'documentDirectory', }) if (!fileCopyUri) return settingsRepo.update({}, {sound: fileCopyUri}) setSound(fileCopyUri) toast('Sound will play after rest timers.') }, []) const changeNotify = useCallback((enabled: boolean) => { setNotify(enabled) settingsRepo.update({}, {notify: enabled}) if (enabled) toast('Show when a set is a new record.') else toast('Stopped showing notifications for new records.') }, []) const changeImages = useCallback((enabled: boolean) => { setImages(enabled) settingsRepo.update({}, {images: enabled}) if (enabled) toast('Show images for sets.') else toast('Stopped showing images for sets.') }, []) const changeUnit = useCallback((enabled: boolean) => { setShowUnit(enabled) settingsRepo.update({}, {showUnit: enabled}) if (enabled) toast('Show option to select unit for sets.') else toast('Hid unit option for sets.') }, []) const changeSteps = useCallback((enabled: boolean) => { setSteps(enabled) settingsRepo.update({}, {steps: enabled}) if (enabled) toast('Show steps for a workout.') else toast('Stopped showing steps for workouts.') }, []) const changeShowDate = useCallback((enabled: boolean) => { setShowDate(enabled) settingsRepo.update({}, {showDate: enabled}) if (enabled) toast('Show date for sets by default.') else toast('Stopped showing date for sets by default.') }, []) const changeNoSound = useCallback((enabled: boolean) => { setNoSound(enabled) settingsRepo.update({}, {noSound: enabled}) if (enabled) toast('Disable sound on rest timer alarms.') else toast('Enabled sound for rest timer alarms.') }, []) const switches: Input[] = [ {name: 'Rest timers', value: alarm, onChange: changeAlarmEnabled}, {name: 'Vibrate', value: vibrate, onChange: changeVibrate}, {name: 'Disable sound', value: noSound, onChange: changeNoSound}, {name: 'Notifications', value: notify, onChange: changeNotify}, {name: 'Show images', value: images, onChange: changeImages}, {name: 'Show unit', value: showUnit, onChange: changeUnit}, {name: 'Show steps', value: steps, onChange: changeSteps}, {name: 'Show date', value: showDate, onChange: changeShowDate}, ].filter(({name}) => name.toLowerCase().includes(term.toLowerCase())) const changeTheme = useCallback( (value: string) => { settingsRepo.update({}, {theme: value}) setTheme(value) }, [setTheme], ) const changeDate = useCallback((value: string) => { settingsRepo.update({}, {date: value}) setDate(value) }, []) const changeDarkColor = useCallback( (value: string) => { setDarkColor(value) settingsRepo.update({}, {darkColor: value}) }, [setDarkColor], ) const changeLightColor = useCallback( (value: string) => { setLightColor(value) settingsRepo.update({}, {lightColor: value}) }, [setLightColor], ) const renderSwitch = useCallback( (item: Input) => ( {} ), [], ) const selects: Input[] = [ {name: 'Theme', value: theme, onChange: changeTheme, items: themeOptions}, { name: 'Dark color', value: darkColor, onChange: changeDarkColor, items: lightOptions, }, { name: 'Light color', value: lightColor, onChange: changeLightColor, items: darkOptions, }, { name: 'Date format', value: date, onChange: changeDate, items: => ({ label: format(today, option), value: option, })), }, ].filter(({name}) => name.toLowerCase().includes(term.toLowerCase())) const renderSelect = useCallback( (item: Input) => (