import { NavigationProp, RouteProp, useFocusEffect, useNavigation, useRoute, } from "@react-navigation/native"; import { useCallback, useRef, useState } from "react"; import { ScrollView, TextInput, View } from "react-native"; import DocumentPicker from "react-native-document-picker"; import { Button, Card, TouchableRipple } from "react-native-paper"; import { In } from "typeorm"; import AppInput from "./AppInput"; import ConfirmDialog from "./ConfirmDialog"; import { MARGIN, PADDING } from "./constants"; import { planRepo, setRepo, settingsRepo } from "./db"; import { emitter } from "./emitter"; import { fixNumeric } from "./fix-numeric"; import { GYM_SET_CREATED } from "./gym-set"; import Settings from "./settings"; import StackHeader from "./StackHeader"; import { toast } from "./toast"; import { WorkoutsPageParams } from "./WorkoutsPage"; export default function EditWorkouts() { const { params } = useRoute>(); const [removeImage, setRemoveImage] = useState(false); const [showRemove, setShowRemove] = useState(false); const [name, setName] = useState(""); const [oldNames, setOldNames] = useState(params.names.join(", ")); const [steps, setSteps] = useState(""); const [oldSteps, setOldSteps] = useState(""); const [uri, setUri] = useState(""); const [minutes, setMinutes] = useState(""); const [oldMinutes, setOldMinutes] = useState(""); const [seconds, setSeconds] = useState(""); const [oldSeconds, setOldSeconds] = useState(""); const [sets, setSets] = useState(""); const [oldSets, setOldSets] = useState(""); const navigation = useNavigation>(); const setsRef = useRef(null); const stepsRef = useRef(null); const minutesRef = useRef(null); const secondsRef = useRef(null); const [settings, setSettings] = useState(); useFocusEffect( useCallback(() => { settingsRepo.findOne({ where: {} }).then(setSettings); setRepo .createQueryBuilder() .select() .where("name IN (:...names)", { names: params.names }) .groupBy("name") .getMany() .then((gymSets) => { console.log({ gymSets }); setOldNames( =>", ")); setOldSteps( => set.steps).join(", ")); setOldMinutes( => set.minutes).join(", ")); setOldSeconds( => set.seconds).join(", ")); setOldSets( => set.sets).join(", ")); }); }, [params.names]) ); const update = async () => { await setRepo.update( { name: In(params.names) }, { name: name || undefined, sets: sets ? Number(sets) : undefined, minutes: minutes ? Number(minutes) : undefined, seconds: seconds ? Number(seconds) : undefined, steps: steps || undefined, image: removeImage ? "" : uri, } ); emitter.emit(GYM_SET_CREATED); for (const oldName of params.names) { await planRepo .createQueryBuilder() .update() .set({ workouts: () => `REPLACE(workouts, '${oldName}', '${name}')`, }) .where("workouts LIKE :name", { name: `%${oldName}%` }) .execute(); } navigation.navigate("WorkoutList", { clearNames: true }); }; const changeImage = useCallback(async () => { const { fileCopyUri } = await DocumentPicker.pickSingle({ type: DocumentPicker.types.images, copyTo: "documentDirectory", }); if (fileCopyUri) setUri(fileCopyUri); }, []); const handleRemove = useCallback(async () => { setUri(""); setRemoveImage(true); setShowRemove(false); }, []); const submitName = () => { if (settings.steps) stepsRef.current?.focus(); else setsRef.current?.focus(); }; return ( <> {settings?.steps && ( setsRef.current?.focus()} /> )} { const fixed = fixNumeric(newSets); setSets(fixed); if (fixed.length !== newSets.length) toast("Sets must be a number"); }} label={`Sets: ${oldSets}`} keyboardType="numeric" onSubmitEditing={() => minutesRef.current?.focus()} /> {settings?.alarm && ( <> secondsRef.current?.focus()} value={minutes} onChangeText={(newMinutes) => { const fixed = fixNumeric(newMinutes); setMinutes(fixed); if (fixed.length !== newMinutes.length) toast("Reps must be a number"); }} label={`Rest minutes: ${oldMinutes}`} keyboardType="numeric" /> )} {settings?.images && uri && ( setShowRemove(true)} > )} {settings?.images && !uri && ( )} Are you sure you want to remove the image? ); }