import {RouteProp, useFocusEffect, useRoute} from '@react-navigation/native'; import {useCallback, useMemo, useRef, useState} from 'react'; import {NativeModules, TextInput, View} from 'react-native'; import {FlatList} from 'react-native-gesture-handler'; import {Button} from 'react-native-paper'; import {getBestSet} from './best.service'; import {PADDING} from './constants'; import CountMany from './count-many'; import {AppDataSource, getNow, setRepo} from './db'; import GymSet from './gym-set'; import MassiveInput from './MassiveInput'; import {useSnackbar} from './MassiveSnack'; import {PlanPageParams} from './plan-page-params'; import {countMany} from './set.service'; import SetForm from './SetForm'; import StackHeader from './StackHeader'; import StartPlanItem from './StartPlanItem'; import {useSettings} from './use-settings'; export default function StartPlan() { const {params} = useRoute>(); const {set} = params; const [name, setName] = useState(; const [reps, setReps] = useState(set.reps.toString()); const [weight, setWeight] = useState(set.weight.toString()); const [unit, setUnit] = useState(); const {toast} = useSnackbar(); const [minutes, setMinutes] = useState(set.minutes); const [seconds, setSeconds] = useState(set.seconds); const [best, setBest] = useState(set); const [selected, setSelected] = useState(0); const {settings} = useSettings(); const [counts, setCounts] = useState(); const weightRef = useRef(null); const repsRef = useRef(null); const unitRef = useRef(null); const workouts = useMemo(() => params.plan.workouts.split(','), [params]); const [selection, setSelection] = useState({ start: 0, end: set.reps.toString().length, }); const refresh = useCallback(() => { const questions = => '(?)').join(','); const condition = ` = AND sets.created LIKE STRFTIME('%Y-%m-%d%%', 'now', 'localtime') AND NOT sets.hidden `; return AppDataSource.manager .createQueryBuilder() .select('COUNT(', 'total') .addSelect('workouts') .from(`(SELECT 0 AS name UNION values ${questions})`, 'workouts') .leftJoin('sets', condition) .groupBy('') .limit(-1) .offset(1) .getRawMany() .then(newCounts => { setCounts(newCounts); console.log(`${}.focus:`, {newCounts}); }); }, [workouts]); useFocusEffect( useCallback(() => { refresh(); }, [refresh]), ); const handleSubmit = async () => { console.log(`${}.handleSubmit:`, {reps, weight, unit, best}); const [{now}] = await getNow(); await{ name, weight: +weight, reps: +reps, minutes: set.minutes, seconds: set.seconds, steps: set.steps, image: set.image, unit, created: now, }); await refresh(); if ( settings.notify && (+weight > best.weight || (+reps > best.reps && +weight === best.weight)) ) toast("Great work King! That's a new record.", 5000); else if (settings.alarm) toast('Resting...', 3000); else toast('Added set', 3000); if (!settings.alarm) return; const milliseconds = Number(minutes) * 60 * 1000 + Number(seconds) * 1000; const {vibrate, sound, noSound} = settings; const args = [milliseconds, !!vibrate, sound, !!noSound]; NativeModules.AlarmModule.timer(...args); }; const handleUnit = useCallback( (value: string) => { setUnit(value.replace(/,|'/g, '')); if (value.match(/,|'/)) toast('Commas and single quotes would break CSV exports', 6000); }, [toast], ); const select = useCallback( async (index: number) => { setSelected(index); console.log(`${}.next:`, {name, index}); if (!counts) return; const workout = counts[index]; console.log(`${}.next:`, {workout}); const newBest = await getBestSet(; console.log(`${}.next:`, {newBest}); setMinutes(newBest.minutes); setSeconds(newBest.seconds); setName(; setReps(newBest.reps.toString()); setWeight(newBest.weight.toString()); setUnit(newBest.unit); setBest(newBest); }, [name, counts], ); return ( <> weightRef.current?.focus()} selection={selection} onSelectionChange={e => setSelection(e.nativeEvent.selection)} innerRef={repsRef} /> {!!settings.showUnit && ( )} {counts && ( ( )} /> )} ); }