import React, {useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useState} from 'react'; import {NativeModules, ScrollView, StyleSheet, View} from 'react-native'; import DocumentPicker from 'react-native-document-picker'; import {Button, Searchbar, Text} from 'react-native-paper'; import ConfirmDialog from './ConfirmDialog'; import MassiveInput from './MassiveInput'; import {SnackbarContext} from './MassiveSnack'; import MassiveSwitch from './MassiveSwitch'; import {getSettings, setSettings} from './settings.service'; interface Input { name: string; value?: T; onChange: (value: T) => void; } export default function SettingsPage() { const [vibrate, setVibrate] = useState(true); const [minutes, setMinutes] = useState(''); const [sets, setSets] = useState('3'); const [seconds, setSeconds] = useState(''); const [alarm, setAlarm] = useState(false); const [predict, setPredict] = useState(false); const [sound, setSound] = useState(''); const [notify, setNotify] = useState(false); const [images, setImages] = useState(false); const [battery, setBattery] = useState(false); const [ignoring, setIgnoring] = useState(false); const [search, setSearch] = useState(''); const {toast} = useContext(SnackbarContext); const refresh = useCallback(async () => { const settings = await getSettings(); console.log('SettingsPage.refresh:', {settings}); setMinutes(settings.minutes.toString()); setSeconds(settings.seconds.toString()); setAlarm(!!settings.alarm); setPredict(!!settings.predict); setSets(settings.sets.toString()); setVibrate(!!settings.vibrate); setSound(settings.sound); setNotify(!!settings.notify); setImages(!!settings.images); NativeModules.AlarmModule.ignoringBattery(setIgnoring); }, []); useEffect(() => { refresh(); }, [refresh]); useEffect(() => { setSettings({ vibrate: +vibrate, minutes: +minutes, seconds: +seconds, alarm: +alarm, predict: +predict, sound, notify: +notify, images: +images, sets: +sets, }); }, [vibrate, minutes, sets, seconds, alarm, predict, sound, notify, images]); const changeAlarmEnabled = useCallback( (enabled: boolean) => { setAlarm(enabled); if (enabled) toast('Timers will now run after each set.', 4000); else toast('Stopped timers running after each set.', 4000); if (enabled && !ignoring) setBattery(true); }, [setBattery, ignoring, toast], ); const changePredict = useCallback( (enabled: boolean) => { setPredict(enabled); if (enabled) toast('Predicting your next set based on todays plan.', 4000); else toast('New sets will always be empty.', 4000); }, [setPredict, toast], ); const changeVibrate = useCallback( (enabled: boolean) => { setVibrate(enabled); if (enabled) toast('When a timer completes, vibrate your phone.', 4000); else toast('Stop vibrating at the end of timers.', 4000); }, [setVibrate, toast], ); const changeSound = useCallback(async () => { const {fileCopyUri} = await DocumentPicker.pickSingle({ type: 'audio/*', copyTo: 'documentDirectory', }); if (!fileCopyUri) return; setSound(fileCopyUri); toast('This song will now play after rest timers complete.', 4000); }, [toast]); const changeNotify = useCallback( (enabled: boolean) => { setNotify(enabled); if (enabled) toast('Show when a set is a new record.', 4000); else toast('Stopped showing notifications for new records.', 4000); }, [toast], ); const inputs: Input[] = [ {name: 'Sets per workout', value: sets, onChange: setSets}, {name: 'Rest minutes', value: minutes, onChange: setMinutes}, {name: 'Rest seconds', value: seconds, onChange: setSeconds}, ]; const switches: Input[] = [ {name: 'Rest timers', value: alarm, onChange: changeAlarmEnabled}, {name: 'Vibrate', value: vibrate, onChange: changeVibrate}, {name: 'Predict sets', value: predict, onChange: changePredict}, {name: 'Record notifications', value: notify, onChange: changeNotify}, {name: 'Show images', value: images, onChange: setImages}, ]; return ( {inputs .filter(input => .map(input => ( ))} {switches .filter(input => .map(input => ( {} ))} {'alarm sound'.includes(search) && ( )} { NativeModules.AlarmModule.ignoreBattery(); setBattery(false); }}> Disable battery optimizations for Massive to use rest timers. ); } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { padding: 10, flex: 1, }, text: { marginBottom: 10, }, });