import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'; import React, {useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useState} from 'react'; import { NativeModules, PermissionsAndroid, StyleSheet, Text, View, } from 'react-native'; import {Dirs, FileSystem} from 'react-native-file-access'; import {Button, Snackbar, Switch, TextInput} from 'react-native-paper'; import {DatabaseContext} from './App'; import Set from './set'; import DocumentPicker from 'react-native-document-picker'; import ConfirmDialog from './ConfirmDialog'; const {getItem, setItem} = AsyncStorage; export default function SettingsPage() { const [minutes, setMinutes] = useState(''); const [maxSets, setMaxSets] = useState('3'); const [seconds, setSeconds] = useState(''); const [alarmEnabled, setAlarmEnabled] = useState(false); const [predictiveSets, setPredictiveSets] = useState(false); const [snackbar, setSnackbar] = useState(''); const [showBattery, setShowBattery] = useState(false); const [showDelete, setShowDelete] = useState(false); const [ignoring, setIgnoring] = useState(false); const [timeoutId, setTimeoutId] = useState(0); const db = useContext(DatabaseContext); const refresh = useCallback(async () => { setMinutes((await getItem('minutes')) || ''); setSeconds((await getItem('seconds')) || ''); setAlarmEnabled((await getItem('alarmEnabled')) === 'true'); setPredictiveSets((await getItem('predictiveSets')) === 'true'); setMaxSets((await getItem('maxSets')) || ''); NativeModules.AlarmModule.ignoringBatteryOptimizations(setIgnoring); }, []); useEffect(() => { refresh(); }, [refresh]); const toast = useCallback( (message: string, timeout = 3000) => { setSnackbar(message); clearTimeout(timeoutId); setTimeoutId(setTimeout(() => setSnackbar(''), timeout)); }, [setSnackbar, timeoutId, setTimeoutId], ); const clear = useCallback(async () => { setShowDelete(false); await db.executeSql(`DELETE FROM sets`); toast('All data has been deleted!'); }, [db, toast]); const exportSets = useCallback(async () => { const fileName = 'sets.csv'; const filePath = `${Dirs.DocumentDir}/${fileName}`; const [result] = await db.executeSql('SELECT * FROM sets'); if (result.rows.length === 0) return; const sets: Set[] = result.rows.raw(); const data = ['id,name,reps,weight,created,unit'] .concat( set => `${},${},${set.reps},${set.weight},${set.created},${set.unit}`, ), ) .join('\n'); console.log('SettingsPage.exportSets', {length: sets.length}); const permission = async () => { const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.request( PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, ); return granted === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED; }; const granted = await permission(); if (granted) { await FileSystem.writeFile(filePath, data); if (!FileSystem.exists(filePath)) return; await FileSystem.cpExternal(filePath, fileName, 'downloads'); } toast('Exported data. Check your downloads folder.'); }, [db, toast]); const importSets = useCallback(async () => { const result = await DocumentPicker.pickSingle(); const file = await FileSystem.readFile(result.uri); console.log(`${}.${}:`, file.length); const values = file .split('\n') .slice(1) .map(set => { const cells = set.split(','); return `('${cells[1]}',${cells[2]},${cells[3]},'${cells[4]}','${cells[5]}')`; }) .join(','); await db.executeSql( `INSERT INTO sets(name,reps,weight,created,unit) VALUES ${values}`, ); toast('Data imported.'); }, [db, toast]); const changeAlarmEnabled = useCallback( (enabled: boolean) => { setAlarmEnabled(enabled); if (enabled && !ignoring) setShowBattery(true); setItem('alarmEnabled', enabled ? 'true' : 'false'); }, [setShowBattery, ignoring], ); const changePredictive = useCallback( (enabled: boolean) => { setPredictiveSets(enabled); setItem('predictiveSets', enabled ? 'true' : 'false'); toast('Predictive sets guess whats next based on todays plan.', 10000); }, [setPredictiveSets, toast], ); return ( { setMinutes(text); setItem('minutes', text); }} style={styles.text} /> { setSeconds(s); setItem('seconds', s); }} style={styles.text} /> { setMaxSets(value); setItem('maxSets', value); }} style={styles.text} /> Rest timers { NativeModules.AlarmModule.openBatteryOptimizations(); setShowBattery(false); }}> Disable battery optimizations for Massive to use rest timers. Predictive sets This irreversibly deletes all data from the app. Are you sure? setSnackbar('')} action={{label: 'Close', onPress: () => setSnackbar('')}}> {snackbar} ); } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { padding: 10, flex: 1, }, text: { marginBottom: 10, }, });